Some Political and Religious Questions for Anybody Willing to Respond

dylann irving
4 min readDec 8, 2020



I have some questions. Can you help?

These are honest questions that have been kicking around in my head. I honestly don’t know the answers, and I honestly want to know the answers. But when I ask, it seems that many people immediately assume I am on the attack. That I am trolling them. I am not on the attack. I am not trolling. My delivery may not be great. I ask that you do not hold that against me. I just don’t understand, and am completely open, and in fact eager, for someone to offer up their rationale so I can consider them.

Here goes:

I understand that many believe that the election was stolen. Perhaps it was. Perhaps it was not. In my view, the courts are the constitutional venue by which a candidate can make his or her case as to why they believe an election unfair, and I fully support the Trump campaign’s rights to take the matter to the courts for resolution. We are a nation built on the rule of law. That’s a good thing.

But I do not understand the lack of confidence in our courts. Are not both republican-appointed and democratic-appointed appointed judges issuing rulings based on the evidence actually presented in court? Are not the legal standards of evidence being applied? And if you think they are not, please, tell me why you believe that. This is not a rhetorical question. I really want to know what evidence you have that convinces you the courts are operating outside of the rule of law. If it’s what you read in twitter or OAN, that’s fine. Just say so. Candidly, it’s unlikely to convince me, but it may. And no matter what, at least I’ll understand your perspective a little better, and we can start to communicate with one another. I think we could use as little cross-talk.

Moreover, if you have truly lost confidence in the ability of the courts to operate lawfully, what is the next step if the Trump campaign fails to win there? Do you simply throw in the towel? Do you fight on, and if so, how? Do you turn your attention to 2024? What do you do? Seriously. What?

Next, it seems to many, myself included, that there are those who believe it is their religious duty to support the president’s efforts to secure a second term. I don’t get that. Can you first help me connect the dots between your faith and your support to Trump? Is it all about the right to life? Is it the prophesies that are circulating on Youtube? Something else? Why is DJT a religious figure? I don’t understand.

Then, can you tell me the point which you soften in your support for the president? Do you back away when it requires that you take up arms against your fellow citizens? When one of God’s prophets indicates that you should stand down (and if so, how do you recognize one of God’s prophets?) Is there some other criteria? Or is there no limit? Again, I am not trying to put you on the defensive. I’d genuinely like to know.

Next, I have some questions about people’s reactions to COVID. Non-accusatory questions. Genuine questions. Why resist wearing a mask? I understand that many believe the pandemic is overstated, maybe even fake. I don’t think it is, but it might be. But even that does not explain what appears to be the visceral refusal to slip a piece of cloth over your face. Is it because wearing a mask is, in itself, a gross inconvenience? Is it because wearing a a mask has come to symbolize values that you do not hold? Perhaps it’s because you’re concerned about this being the first domino to fall, and that if we put on a mask, the government will infringe on other rights? Is it because you believe the government is using masks to control us, somehow? And if you’re willing, please tell me how you reached that conclusion. I will keep an open mind. Given how vigorously people seem to fight the mandate, it seems like there is something I am missing. There must be. What is it?

If it sounds like I’m being disingenuous, I’m sorry. That is not my intent. I am genuinely perplexed. And I can’t find anyone who will take my questions seriously enough to answer them. It seems like many believe the answer is self-evident, and when I ask a question, people seem to think I’m trolling them. I am not. To me, these answers are not self-evident. I need help from somebody who gets it.

I have more questions, but this seems like plenty to me to get a conversation going. Take one of them. Take them all. I don’t care. Let’s just talk about it. In public. In private. I think I’d prefer that we do this privately, but I’m open to whichever works for you.

And oh, by the way, if you’re interested in hearing why I believe Donald Trump is an existential threat to the United States, I will share that with you, but only if you ask. If you want to understand why I think we not only have the right, but the obligation to acknowledge that the racial playing field is not level in the United States, I offer my perspective. But again, only if you ask. If you care about why I believe that not wearing a mask or failing to social distance is in-compassionate, I’ll tell you, but I’d rather not, frankly. I’d much rather listen to what you have to say first.

I am simply trying to open the door to a conversation. C’mon in. We might even like each other.

I’m at I hope to hear from you.



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