dylann irving
1 min readDec 21, 2020

I served so that you and I could live in a nation where everyone has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I served so that you and I could live in a nation where all are treated equally under the law. I served so we could live in a country where no law respects one faith more than another. I served so that, in our country, people can assemble peacefully without fear of being “dispersed” by federal forces. I served so that peaceful transition of power is a given. I served believing our leaders would uphold their sworn duty to uphold The Constitution.

I did not serve so that a sitting president could to invite a man who openly calls to invoke martial law to set aside the results of an election into the White House. I did not serve so that a sitting president would continue to undermine an election upheld over and over again by our Constitutionally mandated processes.

This is not the stuff of the United States of America. This is the stuff of despots and dictators. And this is the very stuff I served to prevent.

And when you support a president who does those things, you betray the very service you, so often, and so thoughtlessly, thank me for.

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